Friday, March 16, 2007

The rash has made it official!

I never thought I would be so happy to see a rash cover my body. I officially got the rash yesterday. That signifies the end of the dengue! It was not fun. The rash is pretty extensive all over the body and the itch just would not let up. But, today it is almost gone. Just a few spots here and there... :) Lovely details, I know.

However, I am still in town holed up at the hotel. Last year around July some of you may remember the time I jumped from that waterfall near my house and hurt my back; well I tweaked my siatic nerve that day as well. Ever since then every now and then I tweak it again and it hurts something fierce. With dengue you do a lot of laying around on your back, which sometimes aggrivates it. On Thursday afternoon I started feeling some terrible pain in my lower back shooting down my legs to my feet. I mean blinding pain. And my high fever came back. So, they put me back in the hotel to watch me and gave me a hot water bottle for my back. Since I am allergic to codine, really the only thing I can take for the pain is tylenol. I would say the pain this time is worse than the dengue was. So that is where I am right now. My fever has reduced quite a bit though.

Today I was wondering if maybe I could get a body transplant. Maybe get a newer one more durable. I mean, I am only 28, this shouldn't be happening to me right now. :) We need velcro body parts so we can easily exchange parts that go bad. Arm hurts, take it off, replace it with a new one. I think someone should patent this...

Our Career Day for Savaii is coming up next week. Since I have pretty much been dead to the world, I haven't helped in the planning for this one. I just hope it goes well and is as big as a success as the Upolu one was. At the one last week we had 41 businesses show up (best before was 20) and all schools but 2. 1,500 students. It was amazing. A few blips here and there, but for the most part the best we have ever thrown. Hopefully Savaii will be just as good. We have less businesses since less people are willing to come to Savaii, but that is expected.

I am planning on finally getting back to Savaii this Sunday. My counterpart needs a break. She had a pretty heavy load these last 2 weeks. Maybe once I am 100% I will give her a few classes off and cover for her.

Hope this finds everyone well. Have a great St Paddy's Day tomorrow! I just bought some green material to wear as a wrap around tomorrow since I packed light when I came in (dengue clouds your brain). Until next time.


At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying that you recover completely as it would be hard to break in a new body. Hope Career Day goes well. Don't jump off any more cliffs and have a green St. Paddy's Day

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd echo the above on the body. What would you do with a regular length index finger anyway, and a new body might bring some coordination - how boring.
Let us know how things are on Savai'i. Hope you get your water fixed before your mom and I get there.

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm relieved to know you are on the mend.

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for the email and congrats comment.

I am happy to hear that you are getting better. What an ordeal. As for the back I can total empathize after having my back surgery in 1986 (at age 32). The young mind is not meant to deal with the body feeling the aches and pains of being much older.

I made my first six pies and they have been a big hit. More to come this week. I will see what I can do about sendig you some in May.

Avoid the Green Beer,



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